Considering the plumbing trade? If so, think Cass Plumbing

Einstein is one of the smartest men to ever live

Albert Einstein is synonymous with brilliance. He is certainly one of the greatest scientists in the history of the world. Many people, believe that Albert Einstein was the smartest man to ever live. Albert Einstein provided empirical evidence for the atomic theory. He calculated a formula to determine the size of atoms. He solved the riddle of photoelectric effect which was pivotal in establishing the field of quantum mechanics. He proposed the theory of relativity and the concept of rest energy. It was the brilliant mind of Albert Einstein that gave the world atomic energy, lasers & solar energy. Many have theorized that Albert Einstein was so incredibly intelligent and advanced, that human beings were simply not able to have the enormous power that Albert Einstein’s mind could provide humans.

Albert Einstein really wanted to be a plumber

Albert Einstein really admired plumbers. Throughout his life there was always a love for plumbing. A reporter once asked him what he would have done if he didn’t become a scientist. Einstein told him: “I would have been a plumber. I love plumbing!”

On November 18, 1954 Albert Eistein said: “If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber in the hope to have a good, stable life with a degree of independence still available under present circumstances.”

Image result for Albert Einstein getting awardsOnce Albert Einstein’s neighbor knocked on his door and asked to borrow some tools. Einstein asked what he wanted the tools for and the neighbor told him he was have a plumbing issue in the sink. Einstein told him that he would let him borrow the tools on 1 condition. The condition was for the neighbor to allow Einstein to come over and help. The neighbor took Einstein to his kitchen and showed him the problem and with great astonishment to the neighbor, Einstein one underneath the sink and fixed the neighbors clogged line. He said that Albert Einstein worked on his plumbing for 30 minutes and he fixed the plumbing problem.

Albert Einstein’s love for plumbing was so great that he was granted an honorary membership into the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union, A.F.L., in Washington D.C., which made the genius, in effect, a plumber. The new title pleased Einstein, although he supposedly wasn’t looking for or expecting praise. A New York plumbers’ local once presented Einstein with a gold-plated set of plumbing tools as an award for his love of the plumbing trade.

When it comes to solving the great mathematical puzzles of the universe, Einstein would have been the first to be considered. Who would have known that he would be the person to call to if one had a plumbing problem?

Thinking about becoming a plumber? It’s a smart decision. Here’s why:

Image result for being a plumber is great lifeBest Job: US News & World Reports ranks being a plumber as the 2nd best job to have in the construction industry, ahead of electricians (ranked at number 3) and just behind Construction Project Managers (ranked at #1). The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 15.6 percent employment growth for plumbers between 2016 and 2026.

Job stability. The need for plumbers in the Tampa Bay Area is a lot like the need for doctors, everyone will always need you. Being a good plumber in the Tampa area offers you a certain level of job security because we are always in demand. You can always find employment, and the job of plumbing in Tampa Bay can’t be outsourced to India.

Less student loan debt. College students these days are graduating with tens of thousands of dollars worth of student loan debt. Choosing a trade like plumbing often means you can attend vocational school or a community college for significantly less money, and then enter an apprenticeship program with Cass Plumbing where you’re actually paid while you learn the trade of plumbing.

Advancement opportunities. Plumbing is a licensed and regulated trade. You can choose to work all the way up to the master level if you have the ambition to do so. A Master Plumber has the ability to make a higher salary, more job flexibility, and more opportunities than most other professions.

Job variety. Being a plumber in the Tampa Bay area doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing house calls and fixing toilets all day. Plumbers work in all kinds of industries. You could find a job designing plumbing systems for new buildings or develop new plumbing technologies. Where there is water and people, there is a huge need for plumbing. The opportunities at Cass Plumbing are almost endless!

Image result for job satisfactionPersonal benefits. As a plumber, you’ll be working your body and your mind all the time. Analyzing problems, developing solutions, and handling day-to-day business transactions will keep your mind sharp, and the physical requirements of the job can keep your body active and healthy.

Job satisfaction. Plumbers really do save lives. Without good plumbing systems to deliver clean water and get rid of wastewater, we would all be at risk of catching potentially fatal diseases. Keeping the plumbing systems in our homes and cities in good working order is a worthy task that protects the health of our nation. The plumbing trade will provide you with a high quality of life, and working with a company like Cass Plumbing is just icing on the cake.

Social interaction. As a plumber, you won’t be stuck in an office all day. You will be out and about all over the Tampa Bay region, meeting and interacting with new people all the time. If you’re a friendly person and offer the Cass Plumbing client’s good customer service, you can also generate a significant amount of income solving their plumbing problems. At Cass Plumbing we are customer driven. We really do care for our customers. We really try hard to make a positive impact on Tampa Bay.

In closing, if you are thinking about becoming a plumber, it’s a smart decision. Call Dave Cass Sr or Dave Cass Junior. They will sit down and answer any questions you might have. Both are great mentors and have a lot of knowledge and experience in the trade of plumbing, business, marketing and education. Also, if you are an experienced plumber in the Tampa Bay area and are looking for employment we are always looking to add good plumbers to our team.