5 Common Plumbing Mistakes Made Buy Homeowners

Many homeowners in Tampa Bay like to try and do their own plumbing work, either to save money or because they enjoy taking on new projects with a challenge. While there’s something to be said for doing one’s own plumbing, these common mistakes can have expensive results. Knowing the common plumbing mistakes homeowners make can potentially help you avoid a plumbing disaster and save you a lot of money.

  1. Use of Chemical Drain CleanerImage result for Chemical Drain Cleaner danger

    For many Tampa homeowners, liquid drain cleaner seems like a miracle plumbing product. Just a few cups of chemicals down your drain can open the pipes and send waste water into the sewer. Unfortunately, chemical drain cleaners can have a lasting effect on galvanized plumbing. People who use this product regularly could cause their pipes to become corroded and leaky.
    There are many ways to clear clogs without releasing dangerous chemicals into your home’s plumbing system. Alternative plumbing products to harsh chemical drain cleaners include:
    • Plumbing Auger: This manually powered device is similar to a drain snake and can clean most drain clogs without the use of caustic chemicals.
    • Natural Products: To clear a slow drain, sprinkle it with baking soda, then pour in vinegar and leave the solution to sit for several hours or overnight. When you’re done, flush it with hot water.

    If this does not work, call the plumbing experts at Cass Plumbing. We can clear your clogged drains without having to use harsh chemicals that could damage your home’s plumbing system and harm the environment.

  2. Forgetting to Turn Off the Water to Your HomeRelated image

    With most plumbing projects, you will need to turn off the water to your home. Failure to turn off the water before beginning a plumbing project can lead to gushing pipes, a flood and a costly mess. It is absolutely critical that you know your home’s plumbing before you start any plumbing project. Turn off the water at the shutoff valve. If you can’t find that, turn it off at the water main. You would not believe how many costly plumbing disasters Cass Plumbing encounters in Tampa Bay every year that could have been prevented if the homeowner simply knew where the shutoff valve was and how to shut off the water.


  3. Performing Unpermitted Plumbing Work

    Homeowners throughout the Tampa Bay region who make major changes to their home’s plumbing without pulling the proper permits could devalue their home. Homes with unpermitted work may take longer to sell and may sell for less money. Also, you run the risk of having to pull all the work out if it is not done properly. Permits must be pulled whenever you perform major work plumbing projects like the installation of a bathroom or repiping your home. Having the proper permits help ensure that every home improvement project in the Tampa Bay area is performed to code. Although getting a permit can cost time and money up front, a permit can protect you from fines down the road while also ensuring that your plumbing work is done properly the first time.


  4. Connecting Galvanized and Copper Pipes

    When galvanized and copper pipes are allowed to touch one another, corrosion is the result. Many Tampa Bay Area homeowners who do their own plumbing work are unaware of this problem, and will repair galvanized piping with modern copper pipes. This can be done if a dielectric union is used. The dielectric union is a special joint that uses a plastic sleeve and rubber washer to prevent the copper and galvanized piping from touching one another.

    This is tricky because you will not know you made a mistake at the beginning. Initially, everything might seem fine, but this is extremely important to be aware of because you most likely won’t know it is a mistake until it’s too late.


  5. Not Having the Proper Plumbing TrainingImage result for plumbers fixing what husbands broke

    When homeowners take on plumbing challenges themselves they usually don’t have the proper tools, license or insurance. Professionals like Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay know all about how your home’s plumbing works. Our trained experts have the know how and equipment to solve your plumbing problems fast. All of our experience and expertise ensures the quality of the project and safety of your home.

    Taking on plumbing project that are over your head could result in damage to your home. Working on your own plumbing without the needed knowledge of the process often costs much more money with a plumbing disaster, and then you will be required to pay a professional to redo the plumbing work later.

    Often, it’s hard to tell when a plumbing project is beyond your skill level. The best way to find out is to consult with Cass Plumbing before beginning a plumbing project in the Tampa Bay area. We will be up front and honest with you about the complexity of the plumbing project. We might be able to enlighten you on specific skills and tool that are needed for the job. Always feel free to give us a call, because at Cass Plumbing we are always here to serve you for all of your plumbing projects in the Tampa Bay area.