5 New Year’s Plumbing Resolution For 2020

The 2020 New Year in Tampa is a positive time. Here at Cass Plumbing we’re inspired by the idea of a fresh start and what the year may bring. So many of us resolve to save money or get our bodies in shape – but what about also getting your plumbing in shape this year? We’ve come up with 5 plumbing resolutions that we think everyone should try over the course of the new year!

We would like to encourage you throughout the new year to follow these and other plumbing maintenance resolutions you may come up with, for the benefit of yourself, your family, your neighbors, and our Tampa environment. As always, Cass Plumbing wishes you a safe and happy New Year!

Go Green

Water is one of our most precious natural resources – we can’t live without it, and yet there’s a limited supply. If you’re thinking of doing a kitchen, bath or laundry room remodel this year, choose water-efficient faucets and shower heads, and/or place a point-of-use water heater in areas where you consistently run the taps to heat water up. Outdoors, you can install a drip-irrigation system instead of a new sprinkler or consider setting up your own rainwater harvesting system to use for watering plants or washing your car.

Fix Your Toilet

It can be helpful to think of your toilet as another appliance in your home. Anything with moving parts can break or wear down – and that includes the moving parts of your toilet. Save water and avoid costly problems later with good maintenance this year.

Flush Your Water Heater

Ideally, your water heater should last between 10 and 15 years, but without proper maintenance many fail after 5 or 6 years, leaving you frustrated and sometimes causing significant damage to your home. An annual flush and all-around check to make sure all the parts are functioning well can help you avoid cold showers, save you money, and extend the life of your water heater.

Keep Your Drains Clog Free

Nobody wants to deal with the hassle, and often major expense, associated with clogged drains. This new year, take steps to prevent clogs before they happen by placing mesh screens or strainers in your sinks, tub or shower, etc., not putting anything down the drain or toilet that doesn’t belong (i.e. grease, baby wipes, razors, etc.), and by using non-corrosive, septic-friendly bacterial drain cleaners regularly.

Install a Water Filter

While we’re blessed with an abundance of clean drinkable water in the USA, there are still some things we can and should filter out of our water, like sand, dirt, and unhealthy chemicals. Whether you need a whole house sand separator to keep your drains, faucets, and water heater free of sediment, or just want to eliminate chlorine in your shower with a filtered shower head, purer water is always a good thing!

These are just a few suggestions for 2020 plumbing New Year’s resolutions. We at Cass Plumbing want to take this time to thank the people in the Tampa region for making us one of the fastest growing plumbing companies in the Tampa region over the past decade. We wish you & your family and friends a very safe and prosperous 2020. And remember, If you need a really good plumber in the Tampa area throughout the 2020 year do not hesitate calling us, we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Make it a great 2020 Tampa!