8 Tips to Prevent Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a common, yet incredibly annoying problem that most people in Tampa have to deal with. Although clogs occur often, there are things that you can do in your home to reduce their chances of escalating. Here are eight tips to prevent clogged drains:

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

  1. Keep grease and oil out of your drains. Instead, you can pour it into a disposable container and throw it away in the garbage. Grease and oil harden once they get into your pipes, and can build up over time. Other debris can stick to it on their way down, which can quickly cause a clog. When you cook, you have all sorts of fats, oils, and grease from even the simplest of meals.  When you are done, you probably do what most people in Tampa do, which is rinse everything in the sink, let it go down the drain and forget about it.  This is exactly the worst thing you could be doing.
  2. Use drain screens if you don’t already have them. Your drains regularly deal with soap, hair, dirt, and other debris that can cause problems in your plumbing system. A stopper will be able to filter these materials, while still allowing your wastewater to pass through.
  3. If you don’t have a garbage disposal, no food should be allowed down your drains. Accidents happen, and particles will find their way in.
  4. If you do have a garbage disposal, there are certain things that you shouldn’t put in. This includes peels and skins, coffee grounds, and eggshells to name a few. Not only can they damage your disposal, they can stick to the sides of your pipes and cause blockages.
  5. Whenever you use your garbage disposal, you should have a steady flow of cold water coming from the faucet. Contrary to popular belief, cool water is better than warm for flushing out debris. This will help to carry it all the way through your drainage system.
  6. Never flush anything (besides toilet paper) down the toilet. Paper towels, regular towels, or other materials are too heavy for your plumbing system to handle. They can easily cause clogs or backups, so it’s best to throw them in the trash.
  7. Every week or so, you can pour boiling water down your drain. This will help to flush away grease or debris that may have built up.
  8. The most important step of all is making sure that your plumbing fixtures get professional attention! Early detection is key in preventing major malfunctions down the road. At the first sign of an issue, call Cass Plumbing Plumbing.

How Cass Plumbing Can Help

No matter where your clog is located, or how advanced it is, Cass Plumbing can fix it. Our trained and licensed professionals will be able to restore your plumbing to working condition. To help relieve your clogged drains, we offer:

  • Video Camera InspectionWe use state of the art drain-imaging tools to get a real-time look at the inside of your drains. This allows us to pinpoint the makeup and location of the clog so we can give you an honest and accurate quote.
  • Drain Snake Services: A professional drain snake is a powerful way to clear even the toughest of clogs. Harsh chemicals and DIY snaking can damage your pipes even further, so it’s best to leave clog removal to the professionals.

Keep your drains clog-free by calling Cass Plumbing at the first sign of an issue. If you want to stay happily married, call Cass! We are available 24/7. Call us at 813-265-9200.