A Hot Summer Can Put Your Tampa Home at Risk for Costly Plumbing Damage

The Tampa summer is here, and it can cause costly plumbing problems. Did you know summer months in Tampa put your plumbing and pipelines at risk for root invasion? Tree root invasion occurs more often in the hot summer months because trees are more desperate for water.

Tree roots are attracted to the water released from joints and cracks in pipes, and they break into the pipes in search of water. Tree root problems are especially common during the summer months due to the potential for extremely hot Tampa weather. Tree roots grow in search of a water source and sneak into pipes through joints and cracks causing those pipes to become blocked, which can lead to separations and breaks which can cost large sums of money for repairs.

Warning Signs

Warning signs of cracked pipes and lines include strange noises, gurgling, and slow drains. If these symptoms are present, you should call a service professional at Cass Plumbing to inspect your pipes. If roots have infiltrated the pipes, they should be cleaned, repaired, and may even need to be replaced if the damage is non-repairable.

Video Pipe Inspection

Because of the time and effort as well as the mess, digging up the roots is your last option and is usually done if the pipes are too damaged to be fixed. In this case, the pipe might have to be replaced. Having said that, a professional, like Cass Plumbing, can do a video pipe inspection of the system which will allow you an opportunity to see where the worst damage is, so that you don’t have to dig up your entire yard. As part of replacing the pipes, the roots of the tree can also be removed once and for all.

For all your Tampa Bay plumbing needs, especially tree root intervention, give the plumbing professionals at Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay a call today at 813-265-9200.