City of Tampa Utilities Warns Residents about Door-to-Door Scam
The City of Tampa Utilities is issuing a Consumer Alert after a customer reported a man impersonating a Water Department employee. The imposter reportedly knocked on the customer’s door and threatened to shut off the water service unless he received payment immediately. To read the rest of this story, click here.
Reducing Plastic Use to Cut Down Microplastics in Area Waters
TAMPA, Fla. — Too often things can get into our water that shouldn’t be there.
According to the United Nations, plastic waste makes up 80 percent of all marine pollution. They also estimate by 2050, the amount of plastic waste in our waters will outweigh the fish in the sea.
Scientists say all of that plastic doesn’t just sit there— some of it breaks down into microplastics. To read the rest of this story, click here.
Tampa Bay Lost 12% of its Seagrass in 2 Years
A survey shows, leaving the upper bay with an all-time low amount of the plant crucial to life in Florida’s largest open-water estuary. For the rest of the story, Click Here.
Tampa Bay Water Settles Pipeline Route
Tampa Bay Water settles the routing of the pipeline to south Hillsborough. The 26-mile water pipeline is going to cost an estimated 417 million dollars. Five years from now, the regional water utility plans to send as much as 65 million gallons of additional drinking water each and every day to the fast-growing region of South Hillsborough County. To read more about this interesting story, click here.
Tampa Plugs Away at Leaky Sewer Pipe Fixes
A recent rash of water main breaks highlights the long run ahead for a massive overhaul of Tampa’s aging underground plumbing infrastructure. In the image to the right, Tampa maintenance workers are performing manhole rehabilitation near the intersection of O’Berry Lane & East 21st Avenue in Tampa. The City of Tampa is entering the fifth year of a twenty year program to fix the aging pipes in Tampa. This is a 2.9 Billion dollar program. This high-dollar program will also overhaul the city’s sewage and water treatment plants, and their water distribution systems. To read more about this story, click here.
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Call Cass Plumbing! Hands down, this is the Best Plumber in the Tampa Bay Region
Call Cass Plumbing! Cass Plumbing is the recommended plumber for Hillsborough, Pinellas & Pasco Counties by
They have earned an A+ Rating by the Tampa Bay Better Business Bureau, they have over a thousand 5 star reviews from satisfied customers online, and the have been in business for over 2 decades. You can reach Cass Plumbing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (813) 265-9200. Call Cass Plumbing for all your plumbing needs!