The Lifespan of Your Tampa Home’s Plumbing

Your Tampa home’s plumbing works hard every day and while some of your products and fixtures may need to be replaced sooner than others, it’s no pipe dream to have your home’s pipes and fixtures perform well for decades. Caring for your home’s plumbing can keep yours running past the average life span. Here’s an idea of how long your home’s plumbing should last. Pipes: Know What You Have Knowing the type of plumbing in your home makes a difference in knowing how long you can expect it to last without starting to be compromised. Your home inspection report or your new home’s documents and war...

Tampa Bay Area Real Estate is Booming

Always Invest In a Plumbing Inspection Prior to Buying Every reasonable buyer inspects at least several things before buying a home. Superficial obvious things are something that everyone checks. However, if you really want to know the state of a home, you have to scratch the surface. Electric, heating installations and insulation need to be at the top of the list, but your number one priority should be the plumbing since problems in plumbing are usually the hardest and often the most expensive to fix. Hence, every Tampa real estate buyer should hire a plumbing professional to do a compre...

Is Your Water Heater Leaking? What to Do!

Water heaters, whether gas or electric, will last, on average, anywhere from 8 to 12 years. At any time throughout the life of a water heater, there’s always a chance it could leak. It's quite common, and we here at Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay see this plumbing problem all the time. If your water heater leaks, the good news is that many small water heater leaks can be patched up pretty easily. Often, with a small water heater leak, there are several things you can do before you call a Tampa plumber to make it easier! WHY IS YOUR WATER HEATER LEAKING? The leading causes of water he...

Getting Your Plumbing in Shape for 2021

Where has the year gone? It seems like yesterday was Thanksgiving, and here we are at New Year’s 2021! Most of the time, we start a new year with plenty of resolutions to change or improve our lives – things like losing weight, eating better, being more patient, etc. This blog post is about being more responsible, especially when it comes to your plumbing system. It makes good sense to do this, because so many plumbing problems can be avoided with a little discipline. And any time you avoid a plumbing problem, you’re keeping your own money in your own pocket. T...

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home’s Plumbing

At Cass Plumbing we believe that New Year’s resolutions are a great opportunity to develop new habits, new ideas, and new beginnings. At Cass Plumbing, the biggest thing we try to focus on each year is how we can better help and serve the communities throughout the Greater Tampa region by providing the best response times, highest quality plumbing service and the latest plumbing technology. Part of our goal to be a better Tampa plumbing service includes providing better direction and advice to help the people in our community take care of their own plumbing. With this thought in mind, we’ve pu...

8 Christmas Plumbing Tips for a Merry Christmas

1. Throw Your Leftovers in the Trash Can, Not the Drain When it’s time to clean up, resist the urge to simply scrape the leftovers off your dishes and into your sink. There are a lot of foods that should never go down your disposal (more on that in a moment), and if you don’t have a disposal, you definitely want to be careful about what goes down your drains. One of the easiest ways to prevent unwanted leftovers from going down the drain is to use a simple, inexpensive sink strainer. Once you’re done washing off your dishes, you can simply dump the collected waste in the garbage or compost. ...

Going Tankless in Tampa? What Size do You Need?

When it comes to tankless water heaters, size matters. If you install a unit that’s too small, you won’t have enough hot water to meet demand. On the other hand, an oversized unit will cost more to purchase and operate than necessary, negating one of the biggest benefits of tankless water heaters—energy efficiency! In short, the tankless water heater size must be just right to meet your expectations. Consider the two factors that go into sizing a tankless unit so you know what to install in your home.   FLOW RATE The flow rate is how much hot water the tankless unit can produce,...

Hot Water Circulation Pump Explained

Why You Might Want Cass Plumbing to Install one As we enter the winter months and the temperature cools down, would you like to eliminate the wait for hot water when you need it most? One of the worst feelings in the morning is when you step into the shower to get ready for work – only to be sprayed with ice-cold water. If you're lucky, you catch yourself in time to not scream as you progress from bleary sleep to fully awake in half a second. If you're unlucky, your shriek wakes up your next-door neighbors.Thankfully, you can avoid this situation and bask in warm water without ...

Holiday Plumbing Tips for Your Garbage Disposal

How to Prevent Garbage Disposal Clogs You can prevent garbage disposal clogs by watching the quantity the substance of the things that go down your drain. The term “garbage disposal” is misleading because it is most certainly not meant for garbage to be put down it. While some manufacturers make claims to the contrary, garbage disposals are vulnerable to many objects. Be careful what goes down your garbage disposal during the holidays. Do NOT Put These Items Down the Garbage Disposal Glass, metal, plastic, and paper Grease, oils, fats, and cheeses String vegetables (celery, cor...

Floor Drain Maintenance Advice

At Cass Plumbing, we have noticed over the years that Tampa homeowners often overlook floor drains. Floor drains resemble the drains you see in bathtubs and showers since they’re flush with the surface, but actual floor drains are commonly found in basement floors, garages, laundry rooms, older bathroom floors and sometimes on patios and driveways. Floor drains are installed anyplace where fast, efficient water drainage is needed. Since they are often ignored and water doesn't flow through them on a regular basis, most Tampa homeowners don’t think about floor drain...