5 Common Mistakes Made with Do It Yourself Water Heater Installation

With the wealth of information available on the internet, Tampa homeowners are learning how to tackle home improvement projects themselves instead of bringing in a professional. The DIY approach has its merits and benefits. But too often, cutting corners can cost you more in the end. Many plumbing projects, including installing a tank water heater, should only be attempted by those with the proper experience and tools, such as a licensed plumber. There are many mistakes homeowners make during a DIY water heater installation, ranging from choosing the wrong tank siz...

Should You Go Tankless?

Are you looking for ways to save on your Tampa utility bills? Water heating accounts for around 18% of your home’s energy usage, making it the second-highest contributor to your utility costs after your HVAC system. If you’re in the market for a new water heater, the best choice for energy savings might be to skip the tank and opt for a tankless water heater this time around. Learn more about tankless vs. traditional water heaters to determine if this upgrade is right for your home. HOW DOES A TANKLESS WATER HEATER WORK? Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heat...

Are You Running Out of Hot Water?

There are many different reasons why your water heater isn’t producing enough hot water. It could be too small for your house, the settings on the water heater may be set wrong, or there could be a more serious problem. Things like sediment buildup, broken dip tubes or heating elements, and leaks can all effect the amount of hot water your water heater produces. By determining the reason of why you’re running out of hot water, you can identify the specific cause of the problem. Find the description that most closely matches your hot water issue below to find out what’s going on. Onc...

Is Your Water Heater Leaking? What to Do!

Water heaters, whether gas or electric, will last, on average, anywhere from 8 to 12 years. At any time throughout the life of a water heater, there’s always a chance it could leak. It's quite common, and we here at Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay see this plumbing problem all the time. If your water heater leaks, the good news is that many small water heater leaks can be patched up pretty easily. Often, with a small water heater leak, there are several things you can do before you call a Tampa plumber to make it easier! WHY IS YOUR WATER HEATER LEAKING? The leading causes of water he...

Getting Your Plumbing in Shape for 2021

Where has the year gone? It seems like yesterday was Thanksgiving, and here we are at New Year’s 2021! Most of the time, we start a new year with plenty of resolutions to change or improve our lives – things like losing weight, eating better, being more patient, etc. This blog post is about being more responsible, especially when it comes to your plumbing system. It makes good sense to do this, because so many plumbing problems can be avoided with a little discipline. And any time you avoid a plumbing problem, you’re keeping your own money in your own pocket. T...

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home’s Plumbing

At Cass Plumbing we believe that New Year’s resolutions are a great opportunity to develop new habits, new ideas, and new beginnings. At Cass Plumbing, the biggest thing we try to focus on each year is how we can better help and serve the communities throughout the Greater Tampa region by providing the best response times, highest quality plumbing service and the latest plumbing technology. Part of our goal to be a better Tampa plumbing service includes providing better direction and advice to help the people in our community take care of their own plumbing. With this thought in mind, we’ve pu...

Going Tankless in Tampa? What Size do You Need?

When it comes to tankless water heaters, size matters. If you install a unit that’s too small, you won’t have enough hot water to meet demand. On the other hand, an oversized unit will cost more to purchase and operate than necessary, negating one of the biggest benefits of tankless water heaters—energy efficiency! In short, the tankless water heater size must be just right to meet your expectations. Consider the two factors that go into sizing a tankless unit so you know what to install in your home.   FLOW RATE The flow rate is how much hot water the tankless unit can produce,...

Hot Water Circulation Pump Explained

Why You Might Want Cass Plumbing to Install one As we enter the winter months and the temperature cools down, would you like to eliminate the wait for hot water when you need it most? One of the worst feelings in the morning is when you step into the shower to get ready for work – only to be sprayed with ice-cold water. If you're lucky, you catch yourself in time to not scream as you progress from bleary sleep to fully awake in half a second. If you're unlucky, your shriek wakes up your next-door neighbors.Thankfully, you can avoid this situation and bask in warm water without ...

Is Time For a Repipe in Your Tampa Home?

Like all physical things in your home, pipes won't last forever. Even if your plumbing was made from the highest quality materials, eventually they will need to be replaced. Whether you've been living in your Tampa home for years or you are considering buying another home, there are things to consider. After all, you don't want to buy a home to find out you have to shell out to fix the plumbing right away. With that in mind, let's take a look at a few signs that it's time to replace your pipes: AGE OF THE PLUMBING The older your pipes are, the more likely you are to have issues with your plu...

What to Do When Your Hot Water Heater Leaks

Water heaters, whether gas or electric, will last about 10 to 12 years if you take good care of them. Even so, there’s always a chance your water heater could leak. Often, small water heater leaks can be patched up pretty easily. There are several things you can do before you call a professional plumber, like Cass Plumbing. What to Do When Your Hot Water Heater Leaks WHY IS YOUR WATER HEATER LEAKING? The leading causes of water heater leaks include: Broken drain valves: These will cause water leaks from the bottom of the tank. They’re easily fixed by replacing the broken drain va...