Cass Plumbing: Your Ultimate Choice for Water Purification and Softening Solutions in Tampa

In the vibrant Tampa region, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water is paramount for maintaining optimal health and vitality. With over 60% of our bodies composed of water, it's no surprise that staying hydrated is essential for our well-being. Experts, including most doctors, advocate for the 8×8 rule, recommending the consumption of eight 8-ounce glasses of clean water daily. The benefits of adhering to this practice are substantial and backed by scientific evidence. Here are seven scientifically supported advantages of consuming ample clean water: Enhanced Physical Perform...

Is Your Tampa Water Discolored?

A Repipe Might be the Solution At Cass Plumbing several of our customers have at one time or the other complained of the sudden appearance of brown water coming out of their taps. If this has ever happened to you, it is important to understand that there are a few possible causes for this type of water discoloration. In most cases, the water may be completely safe to drink, while in other cases it may be contaminated and pose a serious health risk. In this plumbing blog post, we explain what causes brown water to appear in your home, what you can do about it and how to solve the problem so...


Last month the City of Tampa and much of Hillsborough County communities was under a boil water notice because a contractor hit a water main break. Water was gushing everywhere and many businesses throughout the area were forced to close down. Even worse, residents throughout the region were unable to drink or cook with the water from their tap. Unfortunately, this is not all that uncommon. When the professionals at Cass Plumbing install a whole house water filtration systems, they are installed on a home’s main water supply. These are basically used to process all water which enters the ho...