The Importance of Backflow Prevention in Tampa, Florida

Backflow prevention is a matter of protecting the quality and safety of our water supply. Backflow prevention helps to ensure that dangerous contaminants, such as microorganisms, bacteria, noxious chemicals, heavy metals, gases and other potentially threatening pollutants/substances do not enter the community’s potable water system. Additionally, backflow prevention helps to ensure that an epidemic spread of life-threatening diseases, which can and have resulted in death, does not occur.

There are numerous and well-documented cases of not only pollutants spreading through the water supply, but also serious illnesses, leading to death, due to backflow into the potable water system. Some incidents date as far back as the turn of the century. Many incidents have occurred in the State of West Virginia. Additionally, other cases have occurred in various areas around the country.

Serious Backflow Disasters

Serious cases of contamination occurred throughout the United States. For example, “In December of 1980, 20,000 residents of the Pittsburgh area were without water for several weeks after contamination of their water supply by the pesticides chlordane and heptachlor. A cross-connection backsiphoned the pesticides from an exterminator truck into the water supply.” Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Manual, WVHDDR Bureau of Public Health, EW-114.

“A cross-connection between a potable water system and a sewage system at a meatpacking plant in Iowa in April 1979 caused sewage water to be sprayed on $2,000,000 of pork in the plant. The contamination cost the company to lose $3,000,000 and resulted in extended unemployment time for 200 workers while the situation was cleaned up.” Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Manual, WVHDDR Bureau of Public Health, EW-114.

“A well-documented case of backflow due to backpressure occurred at a Seattle car wash in February 1979. Complaints of “dirty”, “slippery”, and “soapy” water in the area around the car wash lead to the discovery of a cross-connection at the car wash. A temporary hose had been connected to a reclaimed water tank after a pump malfunctioned. The temporary connection was not removed after the pump was repaired causing reclaimed water/rinse water to be pumped into the city main. Approximately 100 square blocks of city water mains were contaminated.” Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Manual, WVHDDR Bureau of Public Health, EW-114.

Backflow Prevention is the Law

Backflow prevention in Tampa, Florida is the law. To view the backflow laws, click here.

Call Cass Plumbing For All Your Backflow Testing & Backflow Prevention Needs

When you need a good backflow service in Tampa, give the professionals at Cass Plumbing a call. Cass Plumbing has thousands of 5-star reviews online, is ranked #1 by Best Plumbers for the Tampa Bay region, and has earned an A+ rating by the Tampa Bay Better Business Bureau. Get in touch today with us today at (813) 265-9200.