When considering a repipe project on your home, or the installation of plumbing in a new home, homeowners always ask: how long do copper pipes last? Depending on their thickness and the pH of the water traveling through them, modern copper pipes should last for 20-50 years. Unfortunately, that doesn’t exclude a pernicious plumbing problem known as pinhole leaking. Pinhole leaks only occur in copper piping. Under the right (worst) conditions, your copper pipes may develop a pinhole leak within only two years of installation.
Pinhole leaks in copper pipes are a common problem all over the US....
Copper Pipes
The Life Expectancy of Your Plumbing Lines

The plumbing pipes are one of the most important parts of your Tampa home, and it’s important to know when they need to be replaced. While most pipes will last for many years, there are a few signs that it might be time for an upgrade.
Replacement Breakdown for the Common Pipes
Have you been in your Tampa home a long time? Did you just move into an older home? If yes, then it might be time to think about replacing your plumbing pipes.
Depending on the age of your home, the type of pipes that were originally installed, and the current condition of your pipes, you may need to replace them s...
Repiping Your Tampa Home? Copper Vs. Plastic Pipes
If you need to install new pipes in your Tampa home, you may be wondering which is better, copper or plastic. Which is better quality? Which leaks faster? Well, just like anything else, there are positives and negatives to both kinds of pipes. Deciding which pipe to have installed is not simple, there are many factors to consider that can affect how to proceed with your plumbing dilemma.
The Pros and Cons of Copper Pipes
If you have an older Tampa home, chances are good that you have copper pipes. Plumbers have been installing copper pipes in people’s homes for centuries, and with good reaso...