Tribute to One of the Best Dads Ever!

Amid the darkest days of American history, when the Great Depression reached its zenith between 1931 and 1935, a remarkable figure emerged. These years were marked by unparalleled economic struggle and hardship, a time when survival itself was a daily battle. The 1930s in America were a stark contrast to the modern conveniences we enjoy today. In the midst of widespread unemployment, homelessness, and scarcity of basic necessities, people had to rely on sheer grit and resourcefulness to get by. The luxuries of today—constant connectivity, advanced healthcare, and an abundance of consumer goods...

Tribute to a Titan: Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dave Cass – Happy Father’s Day!

Amidst the echoing clamor of a nation in crisis, a leader was born. The year was 1933, the era of the Great Depression - a time of intense hardship when scarcity was the rule rather than the exception. On the stage of this tumultuous period, a star emerged, a beacon of resilience, and a future marketing icon in the plumbing industry: Dave Cass. Born on the teeming streets of New York City, the young Dave Cass was an anomaly. Athletically gifted, he played football, traded blows in the boxing ring, and ran like a gazelle both on the field and in the labyrinth of urban streets. While he might...