New Year’s Resolutions for Your Tampa Plumbing System

The New Year is upon us in Tampa, Florida, and year in and year out, with it comes a slew of New Year’s resolutions. Whether you’re committing yourself to healthier eating or better budgeting your finances, now is the time to get yourself back on track after the lazy days of this holiday season. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, don’t neglect to spend a little extra time paying attention to your home's plumbing system. Here are some Tampa New Year's resolutions that you can apply to your plumbing systems to help you get the most use out of it for the coming year in 2023. 1. Call Cass...

Clogged Drains in Tampa

When most of us encounter a clogged drain in our Tampa home, we expect it to be a simple fix, either on our own or a call to a local Tampa plumber, like the experts at Cass Plumbing. What most of us don’t realize is that a clog can be a symptom of a larger problem. Drains work using the power of gravity to pull greywater and sewage through the system and out of the house. While a single clogged drain is often not a cause for alarm, if ALL the drains in your home are slow or begin to clog, that is a symptom of a much larger problem for which you should call your local plumber. A plumber c...

4 Reasons You Should Have Your Drains Cleaned Professionally

Every Tampa home has it, that one sink that just clogs all the time. You plunge it once every couple of months or even weeks, but it doesn’t matter. It seems like you get the water flowing one day, and the very next the drain plugs up again. It’s the “problem” drain. Chances are, you’ve stopped trying to deal with the problem drain. Maybe you’ve even concluded that there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t give up just yet! Problem drains happen for all kinds of reasons, but there’s always something you can do. Usually, it’s even less involved than you might assume. If you plunge and p...

Drain Maintenance Tips Every Tampa Homeowner Should Know

Nobody wants to spend their weekend on the Internet researching how to unclog a drain. We’ve all been there, up to our elbows in smelly, backed-up water, questioning every decision we’ve ever made because of a clogged drain. What if the Tampa plumbing experts at Cass Plumbing told you that you could avoid clogged drains with very minimal effort? Get ready! The information below is essential drain maintenance tips to prevent clogged drains and keep the pipes flowing in your Tampa home. Keep The Water Flowing Through Your Pipes Flowing With These Drain Maintenance Tips Be Careful What Goes Dow...

5 Steps to Prevent Clogged Drains and Sewer Lines this Holiday Season

How often do you think about the drain lines in your home? Almost never? That would make sense, as they’re something we rarely think about until there’s a problem. Our drain lines carry water and waste away from our homes, and into sewer lines. When there’s an issue, it can cause big problems. A clog can slow the drains down, or even stop them from running, and when that happens, a backup can occur. Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep your drains running clean and smooth. Here are five of them. 1. Watch the Greasy Food Grease can cause major issues when it gets into a drain and ...

What’s The Smell in Your Kitchen Coming From?

After the Tampa Thanksgiving, do you have a mysterious, unpleasant odor in your kitchen? Something that doesn’t go away, no matter how many times you mop or take out the garbage? Check your kitchen sink. Your kitchen sink might be the hardest working plumbing appliance in your home. If there’s a problem with it, chances are the food you run through the disposal or the grease you rinse off dirty plates isn’t getting properly removed from your house. When food or grease gets caught in your kitchen sink’s pipes, it begins to rot. Rotting food or other debris can produce terrible smells and ...


Thanksgiving is a big part of American culture. Not only that it’s the most widely celebrated national holiday, but it also comes with lots of food and guests. Surprising or not, Thanksgiving Day is also the eve of one of the busiest days of the year for residential plumbers in Tampa. On Black Friday and the weekend after Thanksgiving, the majority of people either spend time with their families or shop, but the plumbers get really busy due to plumbing emergencies that occur after Thanksgiving celebrations. While you are enjoying your turkey and sweet potato casserole, your greasy dishes an...

Want to Avoid Hair Clogs in Your Drain? Here’s How.

Most Tampa homeowners will agree, nothing is worse than standing in ankle-deep, dirty water thanks to a pesky hair clog in your shower drain. No matter what you do, you just can’t keep the hair from clumping together and causing your drains to slow to a painful crawl. Before you grab a razor and begin taking drastic measures, there are plenty of steps you can take to prevent hair clogs in your drains and eliminate them effectively when they do occur. Find out what you can do to fight against hair clogs in your drains by reading the blog below! HAIR CLOG PREVENTION FOR YOUR DRAINS The best ...

DIY Drain Cleaning, Why It’s not a Good Idea

  Everyone in the Tampa Bay Area has experienced it: You turn on the water in your sink, shower, or tub and the water drains very slowly and then begins to back up. After seeing countless commercials for "magical" liquid drain cleaners, the first thought is to get that bottle of thick blue liquid because it’ll get the job done quickly, right? THE BAD NEWS ABOUT LIQUID DRAIN CLEANERS The bad news that companies who make drain cleaners won’t tell you is that these chemicals are harmful to your plumbing. Even when the bottle claims to be “safe on pipes”, they are truly not. Just look ...