Eco-Friendly Plumbing Solutions for a Sustainable Home

In the quest for sustainability, every drop of water and every joule of energy counts. As homeowners become increasingly aware of their environmental impact, eco-friendly plumbing solutions are moving from optional upgrades to essential components of a modern, sustainable home. These green plumbing technologies and practices not only help reduce water usage and energy consumption but also contribute significantly to the conservation of precious natural resources. However, navigating the world of eco-friendly plumbing can be a minefield if you don't choose the right professional service. Let's ...

Never Pour Grease or Oil Down Your Drain

The Hidden Dangers of Grease and Oil in Your Drains Unseen Consequences: The Build-up Issue When cooking grease or oil is poured down the drain, it may seem like a harmless and convenient disposal method. However, this practice leads to significant plumbing problems. As these substances cool, they solidify, creating stubborn blockages in your home's plumbing system. Over time, these blockages can cause severe clogs, leading to costly and inconvenient repairs. Environmental Impact: Beyond Your Kitchen Sink The issue extends beyond your home. When grease and oil enter the sewage syst...

The Myths & Facts about Low-Flow Toilets & Showerheads

Many of our Tampa customers would like to conserve water, but they don’t want to sacrifice convenience by opting for green plumbing fixtures that won’t function well enough. People know that low-flow toilets and showerheads will save them water each month, but they may have heard a few negatives regarding the function of these fixtures. At Cass Plumbing, we know a good plumbing fixture when we see one, and we’re ready to dispel he myths about low-flow showerheads and toilets. Low-Flow Toilets The myths about low-flow toilets are numerous: You have to flush twice. Your toilet will clog fr...