Never Pour Grease or Oil Down Your Drain

The Hidden Dangers of Grease and Oil in Your Drains Unseen Consequences: The Build-up Issue When cooking grease or oil is poured down the drain, it may seem like a harmless and convenient disposal method. However, this practice leads to significant plumbing problems. As these substances cool, they solidify, creating stubborn blockages in your home's plumbing system. Over time, these blockages can cause severe clogs, leading to costly and inconvenient repairs. Environmental Impact: Beyond Your Kitchen Sink The issue extends beyond your home. When grease and oil enter the sewage syst...

What’s The Smell in Your Kitchen Coming From?

After the Tampa Thanksgiving, do you have a mysterious, unpleasant odor in your kitchen? Something that doesn’t go away, no matter how many times you mop or take out the garbage? Check your kitchen sink. Your kitchen sink might be the hardest working plumbing appliance in your home. If there’s a problem with it, chances are the food you run through the disposal or the grease you rinse off dirty plates isn’t getting properly removed from your house. When food or grease gets caught in your kitchen sink’s pipes, it begins to rot. Rotting food or other debris can produce terrible smells and ...

Green Cleaners are the Rage – Caution: Don’t Mix These

Thousands of homeowners throughout the Tampa region are trying to “go green” by using natural, home-made cleaning products. This can be a good decision. These green Tampa homeowners are taking a step toward a cleaner home with fewer chemicals in the air, and they can save a little money in the process. However, even when using all-natural products, one still runs the risk of a dangerous chemical reaction. To ensure safety, Tampa homeowners should follow this guide for properly mixing natural cleaners. Green Cleaners Tampa Homeowners Should Never Mix You have probably heard never to mix a...