Stop the Drip: How Tampa Bay’s Running Toilets Are Draining Your Wallet and What Cass Plumbing Can Do About It

In Tampa Bay, a running toilet is not just a minor annoyance—it's a silent cash drain that might be costing you far more than you realize. As Tampa residents and business owners in this bustling region, it's crucial to understand the impacts of seemingly minor plumbing issues and the benefits of addressing them swiftly. In this post, we'll delve into the reasons why a running toilet can be a major problem and how Cass Plumbing, Tampa Bay’s top plumbing expert, can help you solve it efficiently. The Hidden Costs of a Running Toilet A running toilet may seem like a small issue, but it can lead...


In the vibrant region of Tampa, Florida, where heavy storms, like the one we recently experienced, are more than just a passing threat, ensuring the safety and integrity of your property becomes a top priority. While Florida's notorious hurricanes often grab headlines, the damages from even a moderate storm can be devastating if you're caught unprepared. However, with Tampa's most trusted plumber by your side, Cass Plumbing, you'll never have to face these challenges alone. For over two decades, Cass Plumbing has been Tampa's frontline defense against water-related damages. ...

The Unique Plumbing Challenges of Tampa, Florida

Tampa, with its scenic coastlines, vibrant culture, and warm weather, is a haven for many. But, like all places with unique charms, Tampa also presents its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to the plumbing systems of its homes. A combination of high humidity, proximity to saltwater, and specific soil conditions brings about distinct issues that homeowners should be aware of. This article delves into these challenges and offers insights into how Tampa residents can navigate and tackle them.  1. High Humidity: Friend to Mold, Foe to Plumbing  The beautiful balmy weather that Tamp...